Woe Unto You, Pastors 1


“Shutting up the Kingdom of Heaven against men!”  Matt23:13


There isn’t a Pastor alive today anywhere who would say anything that may upset the people in the Churches or make them feel uncomfortable or Convicted of any wrong doing. The same thing goes when the Pastors answer questions posed to them. Their first consideration is how can they answer the question, using the Bible, and NOT offend the person asking. That’s why it’s nearly impossible to get a straight answer out of them! You can be sure that whatever they say, baring Doctrinal issues of their particular church, will be designed to capture the advantage over any discussion that may ensue.


Pastors dislike dealing with specifics or absolutes. They seldom draw a line in the sand between good and evil unless speaking in highly general terms. To them nothing is really black or white, light of Dark, only somewhere in-between. When it comes to ethics especially they cannot find any common ground with Biblical principles. If an individual in the church is involved in wrong doing that Clearly disqualifies them from the Kingdom (as defined in the Bible) nothing affirmative can really be done to them. Consideration MUST come into play!


The Person may be a huge contributor to the church,. Or a helpful assistance in all the programs and activities. They may even be a Sunday School leader, youth director or have some sort of title like Deacon or Bishop. So the situation demands kid gloves, never confrontation. The reputation of the church is not really a matter of great concern, but salvaging a member in good standing as to not disturb the status quo. Pastors know (better than anyone) how much wrong doing everyone is involved in. They see it all. Truth is, no one, including the Pastor, is exempt from wrong doing! That’s the Common message of all churches. Therefore maintaining an ethical base with high standards of conduct is arbitrary at best.


Every Situation then must be handled on how it will effect the rest of the church. NOT what it Commands in the Bible. The Biblical principle of Mercy may be applied, but Justice is discarded. So in the Pastors mind love is overcoming a multitude of sin, but what he doesn’t see is that it is also REJOICING in Iniquity! The Crime is going unpunished. Others do not Fear, neither are they ashamed, so the leaven spreads through the entire congregation and many hearts are hardened to worse sins.


Like the Pharisees Jesus denounced in Matt23, it was their own Doctrines that kept them from recognizing the hypocrisy of what they were Preaching. To them the Rituals were more important than Repentance and faith proven by Deeds, as all the Prophets before them taught. The Pastors of today however put Doctrine above everything. Although they may love their traditions, the ritual only severs as a form of entertainment not dogma. But NOTHING can deviate from the Doctrine. No matter what the Contradiction with Scripture it is MOLDED to fit! When the Pastor tells his people that they are Eternally Secure once Saved, it is based on the fact that they are all Born sinners, incapable of choosing God (unless He first chooses them) and can do nothing but sin. Conclusion: IF they are not Secure in their Salvation….NO ONE can be Saved, because everyone sins daily their entire lives in thought, word and deed.


Accordingly, when they read that Jesus said, ‘He who endures to the end will be saved!’ Matt10:22, it’s Not Conditional on endurance in their Minds. But anyone ‘who endures’ was Saved, the others were not.

This Also follows that no one can: Shipwreck their faith, Fall into the error of the Wicked, Wither on the Vine or Apostate from the faith! (ALL of which are warned against in Scripture) Thus one fallacy necessitates another and another until the Doctrines out weigh the Bible. And then it’s END of Discussion. No further consideration in the matter. The Pastors sit in the seat of Authority and Must maintain Control.


This Same Principle applies to every tenet of Doctrine. The Pharisees were deeply concerned about the outside of the cup. The aberrance of ritualistic custom to make a person appear religious. Jesus called them White-washed Tombs full of dead men’s bones! Outwardly appearing Righteous but inside full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. BUT HOW is this any different than the Pastors are saying and doing in the Churches today? (not one bit!) They imply that by Believing or Trusting in Jesus as Savior that His Personal  Righteousness and Obedience is magically transferred to you as some diffusion of Virtue.

Now God no longer sees you as the Vile sinner you are, incapable of right action, but as Clean, Pure and Blameless.


Who can deny that EVERYONE Professing to Christianity today in the Church Systems is Double-Minded, Divided in Heart, Serving Two Masters and full of lawless behavior? All of which is Absolutely Forbidden in Scripture and Shown CLEARLY that Darkness and Light cannot co-exist! Surly some have learned to conceal their vile hearts better than others, but for the most part the landscape inside the churches is Worse than ever before. When Sin goes un-punished for so long and no checks are in place to quell the iniquity, it soon becomes routine. The Prophets said that the People had forgotten how to Blush and the Pastors (or Shepherds) promise that no evil shall befall them. So they drag their iniquities to the alters and swear false oaths to equally false doctrines, believing God is showering His blessings on the Church.


Certainly they are Witnesses against themselves and every bit as Blind as the Pharisees. They fail to see the simplest of error or admit to the most blatant hypocrisy when it is exposed to them. Yet they cannot Possibly be Wrong! NO. The Doctrines were handed down to them by their godly founders. People who a brief look at history will reveal were motivated by Greed, lust for power, hatred and had murder in their hearts against anyone who opposed their teaching. Nevertheless the Churches honor these men who spilled the blood of the Real Saints! The Leaders of Christendom today are the very sons and daughters of these people, standing proudly on the graves the Real Preachers of Righteousness!


The Pharisees had exclude God from the Temple, although they daily went through the motions of worship and ritual as though He was still there. Their Nation was in shambles, under bondage to Rome and on the brink of mass destruction. While they bowed to Images and Read Scriptures it was nothing more than Dead Ceremony, saving no one from sin. They bitterly opposed anyone who denounced their hypocrisy and clung tenaciously to their positions of authority. It would all be ripped from their grasp at the Judgment, but NO ONE could hear the impending thunder of Doom coming their way.


To the present Day Church Pastors, Every Warning has been Given, and Every chance extended. The Pages of their own Bibles Contain the Words of Life if they would merely Read and Heed. But their Doctrines forbid them from Obedience and Pride won’t allow them to admit their mistakes. They also bow to an IMAGE of their own creation, while Christ stands aloof calling them to Repentance. But their house will be left to them desolate because they can ONLY hear the Soft Smooth Words of their cheery Pastors, Crying:
Peace, Peace when there no Peace! What will Remain, but a Bitter and Parched Ground where Truth is withdrawn and all Hope is Lost forever.



Woe Unto you Pastors 2


“How can you Escape the Condemnation of Hell!”


This Must have been a Stinging indictment given the fact that the Pharisees considered themselves the religious and social leaders of Jewish society. But under their authority the people were stumbling in darkness and error in bondage to their sins. Can you imagine someone coming to your Church and denouncing your precious Doctrines and Traditions, exposing your leaders as false teachers and condemning them to hell? It would be Shocking and outrageous to most professing Christians.


But yet how different is it really than the days of the Pharisees? The Pastors have brought absolute ruin to our society by preaching the lies of Reformed theology. They WILL NOT stand corrected by anyone or anything! And they continue to follow after past teachers who history has PROVEN beyond any doubt were persecutors and murderers of the Real Saints. Nevertheless they are not deterred by any of this. Just like the Pharisees NOTHING could dissuade these ‘leaders’ from the destructiveness of their path.


The Damage these Pastors are doing to the Minds of the People is almost beyond Comprehension! EVERYTIME they Preach Another sinning, reprobate who died tragically in their corruption, into heaven , they are Sealing the Doom of hundreds more souls who BELIEVE the lies. THINK of all the cases of Suicide, where the person was caught in some heinous sin and killed themselves to avoid the shame and the Church Preacher comes smiling to the Funeral and assures everyone they are with the Lord! IMAGINE how many MORE People (contemplating ending their own lives) decided to go through with it after hearing the Pastors Sermon.  


His hands are Dripping with the Blood of an untold number of souls who see him as a ‘Spiritual’ leader of their community full of love and compassion for their families. Together they ‘compassionately’ condone Gay marriage, invite Child Molesters to receive Jesus in their sins. Tell drunks, cheats, adulterers and the addicted they were born that way. They teach that people are forgiven in advance and imputed righteous in spite of the fact they NEVER DO anything Right! The LIE of eternal security is one of their crowning achievements in the quest for License to sin. By it all people are born dead in their sins, incapable of obeying God. It’s the CHIEF Argument in Favor of sin known to man! WHAT could be better than Trusting that Jesus did everything and you do NOTHING? In fact IF you TRY to DO anything (like Stop sinning!) you will be LOST for sure! NOTHING is more Certain in their Doctrines than the FACT that NO SIN will Disqualify a person from the Kingdom, no matter how horrible or heinous.


What these Children of the Reformers have done is Preach Christian Salvation as TRUSTING in a FAITH Alone, apart from DOING anything. Man has NO part in the Process whatsoever, only this nebulous (undefined) trust. The Act of Justification is merely a Legal transaction between God and Jesus designed to provide Salvation to the elect. It has no Real effect on the passions and desires of the flesh and requires no Conditions. People are Saved in their Sins, and Sinners they remain.


Irreparable Damage has been done by this Message to our impressionable Youth. They are obsessed with sex, drugs and every sort of rebellious behavior. So called ‘Christian’ Schools are cesspools of corruption. Underage drinking and addiction is rampant. Teen pregnancy is exploding. BUT EVERYONE is Saved and on the Way to Heaven!!! Ask them….The Pastors told them to TRUST in Jesus and God loves them. NO ONE is denouncing their reprobated behavior. They Do Not Fear God or His Warnings. They Proudly flaunt their sins to the World and wear their shame as a badge of honor. They owe it all to the ‘loving’ pastors who preach Satan’s message that you can Sin and NOT Die!


WHO are the Heroes of the Faith to the Present Day Church Pastors? Surly NOT Noah, Enoch, Job, Joseph or ANYONE else the Bible says were Righteous, Upright and Perfect in their Generation. NO! The people they admire are Luther, Calvin, Augustine and a hundred other ‘reformers’ who adopted the errors they  now preach. Men history has proven violated the Commands of Scripture to love their enemies and never pay evil for evil. They were known cheats and liars and in some cases Murderers of their fellow man! BUT what does that Matter to the Pastors of today? They were the Founders of the Faith! The Church Fathers of Major Religious movements into the 21st Century.

To expose them as Despots is equivalent to Blasphemy in their Minds. The Real Heretics are those who tell people they Must STOP Sinning before they can be Saved! (or Stop to Stay Saved!) 


It’s Not enough to convince anyone What the Bible Clearly says about Repentance, Faith and Sin. Or what the early Christians who followed the beloved Apostles and held to the high Standard of Holiness Jesus established in His teaching. NONE of that holds any credence to the modern Church. Their Version of Christianity includes Wars, Inquisitions, Crusades, intolerance, torture and death! Wrap yourself in the Flag and do it all for God! Onward Christian Soldiers! That’s the Church today.


Can anyone find a Pastor today who would Stand Corrected by a Disciple of John, Paul or Peter? The Second Century Saints would EXCLUDE our Present day Pastors for teaching that man is born a sinner and must get Saved in his sins. Today your own Pastor is the HERETIC! They know NOTHING about what the early Saints Believed and Taught by oral tradition. And could care less. The Churches wallow in Open Reprobation without shame and spread their lies worldwide. NOTHING can Stop them! No amount of Evidence or Plain Warnings from Scripture can faze them. Like the Days of Noah…..The Party Ends in HELL! Enjoy it while it lasts!


ALL the Doctrines Pastors hold to and Teach as Truth, were INVENTED at some Point in history, LONG after the Apostles and their immediate Disciples were Dead. The Oral Traditions handed down by the Disciples of John, Paul, & Peter ceased to exist by the Fourth Century AD. The Church Leaders who taught and wrote Volumes on Free Will, Repentance as to Stopping sin, Ransom and Holiness as Mandatory to entering the Kingdom, were written off as Heretics by men like Augustine, Jerome, Victor and others who took up the mantel of Christianity in Rome and established an ecclesiastical structure of Power that Corrupted the very Core of Christ’s teaching.


What you follow in your Churches today is a ‘Reformed Theology’ that devolved through the Centuries under the control of the Catholic Church. It was adopted whole-heartedly by the Protestant Reformers beginning in the 1500’s under Luther and Calvin. (minus the rituals) NONE of it was taught by the Early Saints. The Entire Structure of Doctrine Today is Based on the fallacies of Original Sin, Substitution (or the Satisfaction theory) and Imputed Righteousness. ALL of Which can be easily shown to have been Invented at a Certain Point of History, dating back to fourth Century Rome. (research it and see!)


The Early Saints held to the Apostles Doctrine of Ransom. (1Tim2:6, Mt20:28, Mk10:45) There is No Such thing as Substitution. Ransom meant that Jesus Purchased the Church with His own Blood (Acts20:28) to Redeem Man from the CORRUPTING Influence of Sin! (2Pet1:3-11) He Now calls All men everywhere to Repentance Proven by Deeds. Which Means man MUST come OUT of his sins and Seek the Mercy of God, (Acts17:30, 20:21, 26:18-20) BEFORE he can be forgiven and Restored to Favor. (Reconciled) (2Cor7:10-11)  This Also Meant that Man possessed the Ability and the Willingness to Not only Change his Mind about Sin, BUT STOP doing it and OBEY GOD! (See: Prodigal Son, Lk15, Zacchaeus, Lk19 and Nineveh, Jonah3)


That’s Why CONDUCT Mattered in the Early Church. The Outcome of your Salvation was dependant on your Steadfast Endurance in the Faith! (Rom2:6-8, 1Cor15:1-2, Col1:23, Heb3:14, 6:15, on and on!)  They Would NEVER Baptist a person who was still living in known Sin. They would NEVER Call Saints the CHIEF of Sinners or Romans Wretch! And they would NEVER Pronounce anyone Saved who have NOT broken free from the Bondage of sin and been CLEARED of their Wrong Doings!


AGAIN: IF YOU were Magically Transported back to Second Century Christianity and began teaching that Sins are Forgiven in Advance, God Can’t see you Sinning, Eternal Security, Imputed Righteousness, Election, Predestination and Original Sin, you would be an ENEMY of the Truth! The Pastors may appear as Princes today because the Lie has the upper hand. BUT Soon the diversion will End. IF there is a Glimmer of Light able to Break through your Delusion, FLEE the System NOW! There’s a Train Wreck Coming…..DON’T be onboard when it Hits. (or you will NOT be able to escape the Condemnation of hell!)